måndag 19 november 2018

181112 BREAKDOWN NR 5, 2886km

And now it happened again :-(
On my way home from work I suddenly started to get this strange feeling when pedaling......
yepp, now the right side had come loose......
I had to use the throttle the last 10 kilometers. Without the throttle I would have been f-cked.
Back home I took it apart and assembled it again with loctite on both the shaft and the screw. Hopefully it will last longer now.

It makes me a little bit angry that the problems I have is related to bad assembly and not bad quality of the mechanical bits and pieces...
It would have been so easy to avoid problems like this!!!
Another problem that I discovered the other day is that the display has water on the inside :-(
I have sent a mail to Cyclotricity. Lets see what happens about that?
Except for all the breakdowns I love my bike :-)
I have now done more than 3000km which is nice. Soon it is paid off :-)

Price 15 000 Sek-Refund from the swedish gouvernment 3500kr= 11500kr

Mudguard 100 Sek
Lock 50 Sek
Saddle 100Sek
Tyre 80 Sek¨
Hose 40 Sek
Break pads 120 Sek
Extender steering bar 100sek
Tyre+hose 180sek
Front lamp 90sek
Parts total: 860Sek

#stealth 1000w Cyclotricity

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220626 - 10 000km!!!!

 My bike has now worked for 10 000km. This is  a big milestone!! I now look at the bike as "paid of". From now on I ride very chea...