onsdag 10 oktober 2018

181005 Breakdown nr 4 2000km

Now Everything has been working just fine for almost 1000km!!!
When the bike is working it is wonderful :-)
The bad thing is that this is not always the case..........
Now I suddenly had a couple of bad days again :-(
When going to work on Friday the pedal + arm came loose. I had to go to work with the throttle only.
Due to heavy winds I had to slow down to save battery. It took me 20 minutes extra!!!
This is the 4th time this happens!!! Now I have used loctite both on the shaft and the screw. Hopefully it will be ok now?

This was on Friday. When going to work on Monday this happened......

My mother was kind to help me. I had a big snake bite :-( My fault......
Now I bought new stuff at Biltema. Extra strong tyre. We will see ;-)

A-N-D I got my new lamp :-)
The light is fantastic!!!
10 dollar!! Perfect!!

Now it is alive again :-)

Price 15 000 Sek-Refund from the swedish gouvernment 3500kr= 11500kr

Mudguard 100 Sek
Lock 50 Sek
Saddle 100Sek
Tyre 80 Sek¨
Hose 40 Sek
Break pads 120 Sek
Extender steering bar 100sek
Tyre+hose 180sek
Front lamp 90sek
Parts total: 860Sek

#stealth 1000w Cyclotricity

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220626 - 10 000km!!!!

 My bike has now worked for 10 000km. This is  a big milestone!! I now look at the bike as "paid of". From now on I ride very chea...