söndag 26 juni 2022

220626 - 10 000km!!!!

 My bike has now worked for 10 000km.

This is  a big milestone!!

I now look at the bike as "paid of". From now on I ride very cheap.

Fantastic feeling!!

My target was to do a big service when i reached 10 000km.

So I did! I took it apart.

I then replaced the following parts:

Rear sprocket cassette


Front fork (old one was completely worn out)

Front wheel (Bearings were totally worn out)

Now it feels like a new bike again.

During startup I had some problems with this error....

I manage to find that this is a hall sensor error but the problem is more or less never the sensor...
I bought some electrical cleaning liquid and cleaned all the connections for the cable between the controller and the motor.
After that it has been ok. Hope that it will continue like that :-)

Now I am waiting for the winter so that the bike will start to continue its life after 10 000km!!!!

220626 - 10 000km!!!!

 My bike has now worked for 10 000km. This is  a big milestone!! I now look at the bike as "paid of". From now on I ride very chea...